Jacko Organic Fertiliser Q&A - Your Questions Answered!

Jacko Organic Fertiliser Q&A - Your Questions Answered!

Welcome to our Q&A session dedicated to Jacko Organic Fertiliser! If you're looking for a natural and sustainable way to nourish your plants, you've come to the right place. In this blog post, we'll address some common questions about Jacko Organic Fertiliser and help you understand why it's a fantastic choice for your gardening needs. From its organic composition to its impact on plant growth, we'll delve into the details and provide you with valuable insights. So, let's dive in and explore the world of Jacko Organic Fertiliser together!

How does Jacko Organic Fertiliser work?

  • Jacko's Organic Fertiliser, a sustainable and organic solution derived from an insect-based bioconversion process using Hermetia Illucens larvae. This all-purpose 100% natural fertiliser is perfect for flowering plants, fruits, and vegetables, making it an ideal choice for organic home gardens. Enriched with a balanced blend of macro and micro nutrients, it activates the soil's microorganism activity, resulting in healthier soil and abundant growth.

What are the available sizes of Jacko Organic Fertiliser?

  • Only available in 2.5L. If you’re looking for bulk orders, please contact us directly. We are available at enquiry@jackoagriculture.com or WhatsApp +601160921178. Thank you.

What plants are suitable for Jacko Organic Fertiliser?

  • Jacko Organic Fertiliser is suitable for a wide range of plants, including flowers, herbs, fruits, vegetables, and edible crops too! Jacko Organic Fertiliser is in a fine powder form, making it convenient and easy to apply. This organic and sustainable fertilizer is specially formulated to provide essential nutrients to your plants. Its fine powder consistency allows for even distribution and absorption by the plant's root systems.

How do I apply Jacko Organic Fertiliser?

  • New Soil Mix - Enhance Soil Nutrients: Boost your soil's nutrient content by creating a new soil mix. Simply combine 1 part Jacko Organic Fertiliser with 4 parts soil for a nutrient-rich blend that promotes healthy plant growth.
  • Existing Soil Mix/Plant Food - Sustain Plant Nutrition: For existing soil or potted plants, maintain their nutrition by applying Jacko Organic Fertiliser. Just spread a layer of the fertiliser on the topsoil as needed and repeat the application every two weeks. This ensures a continuous supply of essential nutrients for your plants' optimal health and vitality.

Contents of Jacko Organic Fertiliser

  • Nitrogen - 3.6%

  • Carbon - 43.5%

  • Phosphorus - 1.7%

  • Potassium - 4.1%

  • pH - 7,9

  • Ash - 5.2%

  • Sodium - 0.3%

  • Calcium - 0.2%

  • Magnesium - 0.7%

  • Copper - 42 mg/kg

  • Iron - 132 mg/kg

  • Zinc - 83 mg/kg

  • Manganese - 42 mg/kg

  • Boron - 51 mg/kg


We hope this Q&A session has shed light on the benefits and usage of Jacko Organic Fertiliser. If you have any more questions or need further guidance, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is here to assist you on your organic gardening journey. Remember, with Jacko Organic Fertiliser, you can nurture your plants naturally and promote a sustainable and thriving garden. Happy gardening!

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